Certified Sustainable Development Planner Examination and Certification Center
香港可持續發展教育學院作為推進「聯合國可持續發展教育」二十年的跨學科研究型創新應用學院,在與香港聯合國教科文組織協會共同進行地區推進「可持續發展教育」的過程中,開發並開展了「可持續發展目標終身學習體系」,為地區培養不同領域、不同行業、不同年齡的各級人才透過可持續發展規劃共同為推進可持續發展目標進行不懈努力,並倡導由完成「可持續發展規劃」結業人員組成非牟利註冊社團 – 全球可持續發展規劃師學會(WISDP),發展「可持續發展規劃師」,協同開展聯合國經濟和社會事務部(UNDESA)全球可持續發展目標協作項目(註冊編號:26908),為企業、管理、教育領域以及公共部門和非政府組織的專業人士提供可持續發展規劃師資格認證(CSDP)和可持續發展企業認證(CSDC)。學會創會得到諾貝爾獎獲得者 (Noble Laureate)、聯合國南南合作辦公室 (UNOSSC) 、聯合國負責任管理教育聯盟(UNPRME)、聯合國教科文組織及協會、中心 (UNESCO & Association、Centre)、及高等院校 (High Education)的大力支持,共同攜手推進「可持續發展規劃師」認證及「可持續發展企業」認證。
The Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (HiESD) is a research-based, innovative application education institution promoting the United Nations Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for 20 years. In the process of promoting Education for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong with UNESCO Hong Kong Association, it has developed the "Lifelong Learning System for the Sustainable Development Goals”, to nurture global talents from different fields, expertise, and levels of work to promote the Sustainable Development Goals through Sustainable Development Planning. Graduates of the “Sustainable Development Planning” programme has jointly initiated the
“World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners" (WISDP), a registered non-profit organisation, to further promote the CSDP certification. WISDP and HiESD collaborates in implementation of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Project of World Sustainable Development Goals (application code: 26908), to provide certification of Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP) and Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) to businesses and working professionals in management, education, public and non-profit organisations. The initiation of WISDP was supported by Nobel Laureate, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME), UNESCO & Association, Centre, and High Education, to jointly promote CSDP and CSDC certification.
As the secretariat WISDP, in order to further enhance the professional capabilities of "sustainable development planning", HiESD has established an independently running “Certified Sustainable Development Planner Examination and Certification Center” (Exam and Certification Center) based on the "Global Sustainable Development Leadership" competency framework of the UN Global Compact. The Exam and Certification Center aims to pave the road to greater success for sustainable development planning talents in various industries, to expand challenging but realistic and effective cross-disciplinary and cross-industry sustainable development solutions, and promote the realization of global sustainable development goals.
如有任何疑問,請聯繫我們 If you have any questions, please contact us:
電子信箱 E-mail: csdp@sdgcampus.hk
電話 Telephone : 852 2312 7696
Please Download Full Version of the "Certified Sustainable Development Planner Examination and Certification Handbook" for more Programme Details
考試報名條件 Examination Registration Conditions
- 繳付考試費用
CSDP examination fee - 符合學歷與從業經驗要求
Satisfy the education and experience qualifications
- 考生需持有或正在就讀國家及地區教育部門認可的學院或大學的大專、副學士、高級文憑或以上學歷及學位(包括本科、學士學位、研究生、碩士學位和博士學位),專業不限。或者;
Holder or in the progress of attaining Associate bachelor’s degree or above (including bachelor’s degree, Master’s, Doctorate) in any area, from an accredited college or university OR
- 從事金融、保險業或相關行業持牌人及 擁有7年或以上(全職)工作經驗。或者;
Working practitioners in finance, insurance or related professionals with 7 or more years of full-time working experiences OR - 完成並通過可持續發展規劃專業課程並持有可持續發展規劃專業文憑
Obtained the Executive Diploma in Sustainable Development Planning by completing and passing any of the Professional Courses of Sustainable Development Planning.
考試費用 Examination Fee
- 報考認證可持續發展規劃師考試的考試費用為港幣6,000元
The Examination Fee for the CSDP certification examination is HKD 6,000. - 考試費用涵蓋以下方面:
The Examination Fee covers:
- 參加可持續發展規劃師認證考試
Taking the CSDP certification examination
- 考試結果反饋報告
Examination performance feedback report
- 達到所有要求後,提供特製編號的可持續發展規劃高級研修文憑證書
Personalized & numbered certificate of “Post-graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development Planning” upon completion of all requirements
- 用於複習考試的網上參考資料
Online revision materials for the examination
- 考試費用必須在參加考試之前完成支付。考生在加入可持續發展規劃師認證後,必須在1年內完成考試。如果考生在加入認證1年內未能通過考試或完成考試,則考生需要重新支付考試費用。
The Examination Fee must be paid before taking the examinations. Candidates must complete the CSDP certification program within one year from the date of entry into the program. If both exam parts are not successfully completed within one years of entering the certification program, any passed part will expire and the entrance fee will have to be repaid. - 考生若未能通過考試,可選擇重新繳付考試註冊費申請重考
If you failed the examination, you could repay the examination fee and apply to retake the exam
2024 CSDP考試報名日期
2024 Examination Registration Timetable
考試預約 開始日期
考試預約 截止日期
考試時間安排 Examination Arrangements
- 考生接收到考試及認證中心的授權信後,必須自行預約考試。登入 www.sdgcampus.hk,可查詢考試地點、預約、 確認、更改或者取消考試預約。考生接收到授權信時,考試及認證中心同時會提供給考生預約考試的指導信息
Once the candidate has received the examination authorization letter, you need to make an appointment through www.sdgcampus.hk . Log onto the site to locate an examination venue, scheduling, confirmation, rescheduling or cancel your appointment. Instructions are provided by the Examination and Certification Center at the time your authorization letter is emailed that provides further options for scheduling. - 考生必須在考試日期前至少 21 天完成考試預約,這 21 天期限過後,不能再預約,修改及延期已預約的考試
You must schedule your appointment at least 21 days prior to the testing date. Rescheduling is not allowed after this 21 days deadline.
- 認可考點須與考試時間前 10 天通知考生並確認考生可出席考試
Approved examination sites must notify candidates 10 days before the examination date for the confirmation of taking the examination.
重新預約或取消考試 Rescheduling or Cancellation of Examination
- 考生取消考試預約是不會自動產生退款或自動批准您考試預約變更。
Cancelling your appointment does not generate a refund or an automatic approved test window change. - 如果考生不能按預約參加考試,必須在考試日期前至少 21 天取消預約。
If you find that you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, you must cancel no later than 21 days prior to the examination date.
- 考生只能參加所報名的考試。
You must sit for the examination that you registered for.
- 考生要取消或重新預約,需準備好預約確認號碼並登陸 www.sdgcampus.hk
To cancel or reschedule your appointment online, please have your confirmation number ready and visit www.sdgcampus.hk
- 若考生未能出席預約的考試,考試費將作廢,考生須重新報考
If you do not appear for a scheduled appointment in the selected testing window, you will forfeit your examination fee and you must re-register for the examination.
考試時間 Examination Time
考試日期 (2024年度)
09:30 – 12:30
09:30 – 12:30
09:30 – 12:30
考試地點 Examination Venue
- Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (HiESD)
考試形式 Examination Formats
- 可持續發展規劃師考生必須通過兩部分考試:
for CSDP certification must complete all required examination parts:
- 第一部分:80題選擇題
Part 1:
80 Multiple Choice- 作答時間:1個小時30分鐘
Time: 1
hour and 30 minutes - 每題選擇題有四個選項,其中一個為正確選項,考試需選擇正確選項即為得分
Each Multiple-Choice
Question has four choices, in which one of them is correct. Choosing the one
correct answer will be awarded with one mark for each question. - 每題正確計1分,第一部分總分為80分
mark for part 1 is 80
- 第二部分:3題情景題
Part 2:
3 Scenario Questions - 作答時間:1個小時30分鐘
Time: 1
hour and 30 minutes - 每題情景題包括三小題,題型可包括案例分析、計算題、簡答題
scenario question consists of three sub-questions, which could include: case
analysis, calculation questions, short answer questions. - 3題情景題總分為100分
mark for part 2 is 100 - 兩部分考試需於連續3小時的作答時間內完成
2 parts
of the examination need to be completed in a consecutive 3-hour examination
- 考試提供中文或英文選項,考生須於註冊報考時選擇其一
Chinese or English options are available for the exam. Candidates must choose one of them when registering for the examination. - 考試均以筆試形式進行
Examinations will be conducted in a paper-based format. - 考試結束後考生不能立即獲知考試成績,因為情境題部分將由相關領域的專家評定
Candidates will not receive immediate pass/fail results because the essay questions will be graded by subject matter experts. - 選擇題部分的分數與情境題部分的分數將綜合成一個總的分數來評判考試通過與否
The scores of the multiple-choice questions and the scenario questions will be combined into a total score to judge pass/fail. - 考生綜合分數以百分比計高於75%正確率,即為合格,通過考試
If the combined score of the candidates is higher than 75% correct rate in percentage terms, they are qualified and will be considered passing the exam.
考試內容 Examination Contents
- 考試內容以可持續發展規劃課程大綱為準,包括:
examination contents are based on the programme outline of the Sustainable
Development Planning Programme, including:- 基礎課程 Core Contents:
- 可持續發展規劃的地位
of sustainable development planning - 環境可持續發展戰略及其對經濟和社會的影響
Environmental sustainability strategies and its
impact on the economy and the society - 經濟、社會健康發展的可持續發展規劃戰略
Sustainable Development Strategy Planning for the
healthy development of economy and the society - 17項可持續發展目標,169項可持續發展具體目標
17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 specific targets
- 專業課程 Professional Contents:
- 『環境、社會、企業管治』及管理可持續發展規劃項目
& Managing Sustainable Development Planning Projects - 質量規劃效果與考核、碳計算
Planning Outcomes and Assessment, greenhouse gas accounting - 可持續發展規劃報告
development planning report
全球可持續發展規劃師學會會員申請 Application for membership of WISDP
- 入會申請表與各級會員詳情請見:
Details for different levels of membership and membership application form are avaliable at:
- 考生通過考試即可獲發由香港可持續發展教育學院頒發的有特製編號的《可持續發展規劃高級研修文憑證書》
Candidates who have passed the examination will be awarded with Personalized, numbered certificate of “Post-graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development Planning” issued by Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development - 考生通過考試並滿足從業經驗資格(詳情請參考認證手冊)標準可申請成為「認證可持續發展規劃師」(CSDP)
If at the time of passing the examination, the candidate has fulfilled the experience criteria, the candidate can apply for Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP) - 若考生通過考試時並未滿足從業經驗條件,可先申請成為全球可持續發展規劃師學會專業會員(MwiSDP)
If at the time of passing the examination, the candidate has not fulfilled the experience criteria, the candidate can apply for professional membership of WISDP (MwiSDP)
.持續教育要求 Continuing Education Requirement
- 在通過考試但還未授予CSDP證書時,您需要滿足持續教育的要求並保持年費的有效性。當工作經驗審核通過後,您將收到認證。屆時,您的持續教育和年費狀態必須是達標和有效的。
Once you have completed the CSDP exam but have not yet been awarded the CSDP certificate, you are required to meet the continuing education requirements and maintain membership in WISDP. Certificates will be awarded when the experience requirement is satisfied. At that time continuing education and WISDP membership must be current.
- 在通過可持續發展規劃師認證所有考試科目之後,您需要每年完成為期 20 個小時的持續教育。持續教育報告是同可持續發展規劃師年費有效性的年度評估結合在一起的。我們將為與可持續發展規劃有關的主題或者同雇主需要有關的主題授予學分。全球可持續發展規劃師學會認可大學課程、研討會、學習小組、技術會議、自學考試大綱或者在線課程等形式的持續教育。
You will be required to complete 20 hours of continuing education annually after passing all examination of CSDP certification. The Credit reporting will be assessed together with the eligibility of CSDP annual membership fee. Credit will be given for subjects relevant to sustainable development planning or related to employer needs. WISDP grants credit for accredited university programs, seminars, study groups, technical meetings, self-study of examination outline, online courses, and other continuous education.