
Whiskers & Friends Conservation Team – Green Sea Turtle 威威與好友Chill 級保育隊 - 綠海龜篇

Currently, there are only seven species of Sea Turtles in the world. And Green Sea Turtle is the only species that has breeding records in Hong Kong. However, marine pollution has negatively affected their survival. They may be hurt from time to time by ghost nets, marine debris and ship propellers!
目前全世界嘅海龜有7 種,而唯一會喺香港繁殖嘅品種就係綠海龜啦! 不過香港嘅海域愈嚟愈多海洋垃圾,令佢哋好難生存。佢哋會誤食海洋垃圾,有時仲會被船隻嘅螺旋槳割傷等等,真係好慘呀!