
Whiskers & Friends Conservation Team – Acropora Corals 威威與好友Chill 級保育隊 - 鹿角珊瑚篇(中)

Acropora corals are some of the commonly seen hard corals in Hong Kong, which look like the antlers of stag. 🦌 Corals actually provide food and shelter for many kinds of marine animals! But the problem of coral bleaching is getting more serious due to the water pollution and climate change.

香港其實擁有好多種珊瑚,而呢啲睇落去好似雄鹿角咁嘅石珊瑚就係鹿角珊瑚啦🦌,好特別!珊瑚仲係好多動物嘅屋企嚟㗎!但隨住海水污染同氣候變化,珊瑚白化愈嚟愈嚴重,差啲認唔到佢哋呀 😔